50th Annual Pride Parade Takes Over Chicago's North Side Sunday

The 50th Annual Chicago Pride Parade steps off June 30 on the North Side. The 4-mile parade starts at Montrose and Broadway in Uptown and will end near the intersection of Diversey and Sheridan in Lincoln Park.

I have been on a float in the Pride Parade a couple of years, and when I tell you this parade is a celebration of the LGBTQ community, it is a celebration! And please know that you do not have to be part of the LGBTQ community to celebrate the culture, the parade is a fun time for all and has become more family-friendly over the years (but use your discretion parents).

You will see a little bit of everything from dancing to singing and of course the colorful floats -- literally and figuratively -- as they roll down the parade route in grand fashion. Traffic will definitely be congested up north this weekend with other Pride festivities taking place before and after the parade.

I am happy that there have been a lot of achievements made within the LGBTQ community over the years. And this year's celebration will be a big one, marking the 50th anniversary of Stonewall which sparked the Gay Rights Movement.

Love is love.

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