Hold On, Change Is Coming

This is the first day of the last quarter of the year. And what a year 2020 has been. Many lives have been lost, many hearts have broken and many people have come to realize that there are a lot of things we still need to work on as a nation.

But hold on, because change is coming. These dark days will turn into light, those broken hearts will mend and our lives will yet again flourish. Whatever it is that you're going through in life, it will pass. Trials and tribulations will not last always and know that you will become stronger in any struggle as a result. It's not the problem itself, but the way that you come through it that counts the most, it builds character.

Stay strong, be encouraged and think positively. Life at times can throw us a curve, but whether or not you realize it, you are being prepared to handle anything that comes your way. We're all going through these challenging times together, and we will rise. Keep the faith.

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