Wear A Mask, Because COVID-19 Is NOT A Joke!

Wearing a mask during a pandemic is very important in preventing the spread of coronavirus. We have been hearing that over and over for the past several months. And it is not funny when people walk around coughing, sneezing and talking to people and they aren't wearing a mask, it's actually down-right disrespectful and annoying.

But I had to laugh at the spoof on wearing masks that the cast of 'SNL' along with Megan Thee Stallion and Chris Rock performed during the show's season premiere over the weekend.

I'm amazed at the material the show creators come up with, but after you watch the video please don't be out here without a mask because COVID is still very much alive, and if we can prevent the spread of it, let's do it. Put your mask on, nobody needs to see the bottom of your face right now.

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