Kanye: Walmart Is Selling Knockoffs of His Shoes

So the homeboy Kanye West is really taking Walmart to court? Does he realize they are the largest retailer in the world?

Um, 'Ye maybe you should think twice about this one, but here's the deal. Allegedly Walmart is selling knockoffs of 'Ye's Foam Runners. His sell for $75, and the Walmart joints are $25. Kanye believes the retailer is trying to cash in on his popularity, but Walmart is blaming the third party Marketplace sellers for the incident.

Kanye and Yeezy are suing for major damages. But remember a few weeks back when Kanye was trying to come up with a new logo for the brand? Didn't his idea look a LOT like that sunburst logo that Walmart uses? Play fair homie, play fair.

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